Dienstag, 19. August 2014

Sooo excited!

Hei guys!

I'm Sarah, a 15 year old girl from Germany who wants to explore the world.
Going to America is one of my goals I want to reach in live and it was a really big wish since I was little. We (me & my family) already were in the US once but I was very small then and I can't remember much. But I was fascinated from this very big country and from all of this large towns and the mass of people, wich are more unusual in Germany, especially in the very little town I live (about 1.000 inhabitants). And when we came back from our journey I made a decision: I will return to America and I will explore this country on my own!

And now my wish comes true!!! I am so happy about it! And so thankfull to all of these people who are making it possible for me to go. The most important ones are my parents. Gigge and Jochen. Thank you for giving me the chance of having the best time of my life. And of course my hostfamily. Thank you for allowing me to stay with you and thank you for sharing your life with me. Thank you all very very much!!

On 26th august I will finally leave to Wisconsin, USA! This is so great!! I can't wait to leave! But on the other side it is very hard to leave everything behind me. I have to leave my family, my friends and everything I had in this 15 years. When I come back everything will be different and I have to admit it that I am a little bit afraid of what will be when I come back but this doesn't matter now because I know: This will be the best year of my life!!!!

I hope I will make a lot of great experiences and I will see great things. Hopefully I will make  a lot of new friends and I think I will have a lot of fun and a great time!

I will live in a hostfamily. They are all really nice and I think we will come along great. I will have seven siblings but only two are still living at home, Lisa and Carissa. And there will be another exchange student too. Dalma from Romania. She seems very nice and I think we all will be a funny group of different people wich will come along really great and I am sure we all will have a great time and lots of fun together.

They are living in Hawthorne, a small town near Superior. It's near Lake Superior, the biggest lake with sweet water in the whole world. The winter there seems to be very tough but this won't be a problem for me. I love snow, cold weather and more snow! So I think I am a winter child and I am looking very forward until everthing is white. Plus: I love snowboarding and Lisa already told me maybe we could go together some day *-* this would be very great! And Dalma is snowboarding too so this would be a great day.

I will leave in only six more days and I can't wait anymore. I want to leave right now!! This is so great and I am so happy!!! But sometimes it still feels like everything is just a dream and in the next moment I will wake up and everything is over. In this case I hope I wo
n't wake up until I am coming back to Germany :)

I am counting the days

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